× Reflection Prompts Now Available in Spanish. Look for the "Reflection Prompts in Spanish" link on any lesson page.


Courage and resolve; Strength of character

  • This workout takes approximately 10 Minutes
  • This workout is for students in Grades 2-3
  • Teacher Resources


  • Type:  Strength
  • Excercise:  Lunges
  • Target:  Thighs + Hips
  • Equipment:  None
Workout guide


1. Stand in NaliniKIDS posture
2. Step your right foot out about 3 feet in front of you
3. Keep your right foot flat on the floor as you raise your left heel all the way up
4. Keep your hips square and your arms straight down by your sides
5. Bend your knees and drop your hips and thighs down into a deep lunge
6. Keep your right knee in line with your right heel, and your right thigh parallel to the floor
7. Keep your left knee under your left hip, and your left heel up high
8. Lean your upper body back to maintain your posture — shoulders back and down, chest open, abs in
9. Lower your hips down and up (keep your feet steady!)
10. Complete the sequence and repeat on the left side


– 10 double count
– 10 single count
– 10 pulses
– 10 second hold
– Repeat (left side)


If you have knee or back discomfort or pain:
– Keep your back foot flat and decrease the bend in your front knee

Icon of a body with vibration lines on the sides of it.

How does your body feel after completing the workout?

Icon of a profile view of a person’s head with a speech bubble where the brain would be.

How does your mind feel after completing the workout?

Icon of a question mark.

What does Grit mean to you in this moment?

Choose from the additional reflection prompts below to customize this lesson and meet the needs of your students and your time constraints. Create a unique workout experience every time you return to this lesson!



Describe a time when you showed grit.


Reflect on a challenge you are currently facing that grit could help with.


What advice would you give someone who wants to give up on something challenging?

Real-World Connection


Who shows grit in your family, and how do they show it?

Learning Environment

Create a recipe for grit. Make sure to include ingredients that help each of your classmates show grit.


Describe a time when your community showed grit.

Academic Connection


Create a list of words that come to mind when you think of grit.

Social Studies

Describe a historical figure who has shown grit.


How can grit help you solve a challenging math or science problem?

Fun Fact

Think back to the definition of GRIT. The world record for standing on one foot is 76 hours and 40 minutes. That’s a lot of courage and resolve!