× Reflection Prompts Now Available in Spanish. Look for the "Reflection Prompts in Spanish" link on any lesson page.


A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something

  • This workout takes approximately 10 Minutes
  • This workout is for students in Grades 4-5
  • Teacher Resources


  • Type:  Strength
  • Excercise:  Standing Leg Lifts
  • Target:  Thighs + Balance
  • Equipment:  Chair or Desk
Workout guide


1. Stand in NaliniKIDS posture
2. Rest your hands behind you on a desk or chair
3. Place your heels together and toes apart, making a small v-position with your feet
4. Bend your knees slightly
5. Step your right foot out in front of you
6. Keeping your leg straight, flex your right foot, pointing your toes up to the ceiling
7. Engage your abs and lift your chest up
8. Lift your right leg up and down, trying to get your right knee across from your right hip
9. Complete the sequence and then repeat (left leg)


– 10 single count
– 10 pulses
– 5 second hold
– Repeat (left side)


If you have tight hip flexors:
– Turn your leg out and/or don’t lift your leg as high

Icon of a body with vibration lines on the sides of it.

How does your body feel after completing the workout?

Icon of a profile view of a person’s head with a speech bubble where the brain would be.

How does your mind feel after completing the workout?

Icon of a question mark.

What does Respect mean to you in this moment?

Choose from the additional reflection prompts below to customize this lesson and meet the needs of your students and your time constraints. Create a unique workout experience every time you return to this lesson!



Describe a person whom you have respected for a long time.


Share an example of an act of respect.


Describe one way you can show respect to your body.

Real-World Connection


How do you show respect in your family?

Learning Environment

Describe one way that you can show respect in your learning environment.


Describe a place in your community that has rules people are required to follow to show respect.

Academic Connection


Write a letter to a person you respect, telling them how they have inspired you.

Social Studies

Describe some common signs of respect in your culture.


What emoji could you use to show respect in a text?

Fun Fact

Even dolphins show respect for their friends by addressing them by their names, which sound like clicks, whistles, and whines.