× Reflection Prompts Now Available in Spanish. Look for the "Reflection Prompts in Spanish" link on any lesson page.


To accommodate or reconcile

  • This workout takes approximately 10 Minutes
  • This workout is for students in Grades 6-8
  • Teacher Resources


  • Type:  Stretch
  • Excercise:  Tricep Stretch
  • Target:  Triceps
  • Equipment:  Chair
Workout guide


1. Start in seated NaliniKIDS posture
2. Extend your right arm up to the ceiling (as if raising a hand in class)
3. Bend the right arm and lower your right palm behind your right shoulder blade
4. Lift and reach your left hand over to your right elbow
5. Lift your chest and head, and sit up tall
6. Lean to the left and pull your ribs to the right (imagine a rubber band in your tricep)
7. Hold and focus on your breath
8. Repeat (left side)

Icon of a body with vibration lines on the sides of it.

How does your body feel after completing the workout?

Icon of a profile view of a person’s head with a speech bubble where the brain would be.

How does your mind feel after completing the workout?

Icon of a question mark.

What does Accept mean to you in this moment?

Choose from the additional reflection prompts below to customize this lesson and meet the needs of your students and your time constraints. Create a unique workout experience every time you return to this lesson!



Reflect on a time when you found it difficult to accept a change in your life.


Think about things in your current life that are out of your control. Have you accepted these matters or do you struggle to accept them?


How can acceptance help you cope with future matters that are out of your control?

Real-World Connection


Reflect on a time when something changed in your family, and how that change made you feel.

Learning Environment

With your teacher’s permission, change your seat in the classroom and reflect on how the change makes you feel.


What is the role of a community as a space for belonging and acceptance? Name one community where you feel accepted.

Academic Connection


Complete the following sentence by describing how you cope with change in your life: Sometimes, when things change I feel ___, so I try to remember ___.

Social Studies

Describe a moment in history when something difficult and unexpected happened. How did people change their daily lives to accept that change?


Choose one thing that has changed about you this year. Write down each step that took place to allow you to make the change (example: learning about the change, talking to someone about the change). Assign an emotional weight (one being the lightest, ten being the heaviest) that you felt during each step of the change and draw a graph to display your range of emotions.

Fun Fact

Sometimes we have to accept challenging circumstances and adapt our habits. To survive the winter, up to 60% of the Alaskan Wood Frog’s body freezes solid, they stop breathing and their heart stops beating, allowing them to survive temperatures as low as -80 degrees Fahrenheit!