A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
- This workout takes approximately 10 Minutes
- This workout is for students in Grades 6-8
- Teacher Resources
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Workout guide
Workout guide
1. Stand in NaliniKIDS posture
2. Interlace your fingers and bring your hands behind your head
3. Close your elbows in toward your face
4. Stand up tall — lengthen your spine and puff your chest forward
5. Drop only your head down toward your chest (back stays straight; just your head angles forward)
6. Keeping your elbows steady, gently rock your head side to side (like you’re tracing a necklace)
7. Focus on breath
1. Stand in NaliniKIDS posture
2. Gently rest your right hand on the top of your head
3. Draw your head toward your right shoulder
4. Stand up tall — lengthen your spine and puff your chest forward, stretching down through your left fingertips to feel the stretch on your left side
5. Turn your eye focus up toward the ceiling
6. Hold and focus on breath
7. Gently turn your chin down so you’re looking toward the floor
8. Hold and focus on breath
9. Repeat (right side)
– Hold each stretch for 3-5 breaths
If you have back discomfort or pain:
– Don’t add the weight of your hands to the stretch
– Complete the stretch within your personal range of motion
How does your body feel after completing the workout?
How does your mind feel after completing the workout?
What does Solution mean to you in this moment?
Choose from the additional reflection prompts below to customize this lesson and meet the needs of your students and your time constraints. Create a unique workout experience every time you return to this lesson!
Describe a time when you had a problem and later realized that the solution was in front of you all along.
What is the difference between thinking of yourself as a “solution-finder” rather than a “problem-solver?”
What advice would you give to someone who is trying to solve a problem in their life?
Real-World Connection
Reflect on a member of your family who plays the “helper” role. What role do you play in your family when facing a problem?
Learning Environment
What resources are available to you, both internally (within yourself) and externally (outside of yourself), to help you complete a school assignment?
Describe some projects or organizations in your community that contribute to finding solutions for members and improving the community?
Academic Connection
Sometimes writing or journaling can help people find a solution to a problem in their lives. Do you agree with this in your own life? Write a journal entry to process a problem you are currently facing.
Social Studies
Describe a problem your country is currently facing. If you could suggest one solution to this problem to your government leaders, what would it be?
Choose an animal and describe an adaptation that they use as a solution to an environmental problem they face. (For example: a turtle’s shell is its solution to being eaten by predators.)
Fun Fact
Forgot your nail clippers on your mission to the moon? We have a solution for that! NASA can basically “email” tools to astronauts using 3D printers.